

In a full-length baby pink sequined gown and golden stilettos, literally dripping in jewels, reclining on Mae West’s opulent sofa, I am giggling and laughing as I candidly tell the luscious details of the ways I love to spend what used to be your money!!!!!!!!

This is My Private Interview in Mae West’s personal suite!!!!!!!! Totally ICONIC! Such an over-the-top ultra femme treat to watch… you giggle along with Me and watch Me preen and primp in the gilded wall mirror as I glamourously lounge upon the sofa and giggle greedily and gleefully at your sacrifices for My luxury!

And now is your chance to see this iconic private interview; so glamourous, so greedy! Click BUY NOW below and watch now. you’ve never seen anything sooooooo SUPER femininely alluring, the ultimate in Hollywood Glamour!!!!!!!