OMG this is SO gorgeous! you MUST listen to it over and over – wait until you hear Me laugh at you… OMGGG! *Decadent*. I have the most famously ADORABLE voice EVER.
“she took all the things of life for hers to choose from and apportion, as though she were continually picking out presents for herself from an inexhaustible counter.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald.
I’m going to take ALL your money, and all your wifeypoo’s money too, if you have one! Both of us know that *I* deserve it and YOU don’t!! I AM THE LEISURE CLASS and YOU are WORKING CLASS!! you work for ME, workerbees! And *you’ll* pay for My next day/night out, WALLET!! I’ve added some subliminals too, but don’t worry about that
“In this world that we all live, we all have our place. Princess is in the leisure class. She does not have to do any work at all. She can lounge around, indulge in the arts or any whim that she desires. Her hours of wake and sleep are totally up to her. For she knows that it is I that must do her work for her. I am in the working class. A beaten work horse, that must get up before day break, work long hours in tiring and dirty conditions and not finish until well after dark. And after a hard day of labor, what little money I have made all goes to her, as it is each and every day. The thought of pampering her, keeps me going.” – DRONE JOEJOE