

mesmerism INITIATE BIONIC MESMERGoddess VIDEO Indoctrination

‘INITIATE BIONIC’ – Cinematic Film Clip (Dadaist FAUVIST ART)

This Fauvist Art VIDEO in My Cinematic ART series is an elaborate avant-garde trance film that builds upon the film theory of French Surrealist film/art to great and mind-befuddling effect.

My expert use of this extensive cinematic film theory knowledge is both implemented & designed with the direct intention of completely INITIATING an ultimately SURREALIST level of CONTROL over your bbrainn, by ME, The ART and The ARTIST. I create, everyday. The world is my stage, the internet my canvas.

This Film Clip is pure Fauvist art, I exhibit NO MERCY toward your WEAKNESS for MY BEAUTY ~ exploiting your HELPLESSNESS with My PLATINUM BLONDE TRESSES, GORGEOUS JEWELS and LOVELY EXPRESSIVE EYES to mesmerize, enchant and ENTHRALL you.

I will DECONSTRUCT your bbrainn and reINVENT it, the transmogrification of your mind into MY ARTISTIC EXPRESSION will be TOTAL.. BIONIC INITIATED!

(Warning: Only a segment of the description for this film clip will be posted publicly as what this film clip contains is far too BRILLIANT & TOP SECRET for the general public to read.)